El The collective Yóol Kaaj around the Festival Maya Independiente, Cha'anil Kaaj 2014


  • Ana Valeria Güémez Graniel Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán




Mayan culture, Cultural festival, Yóok Kaaj collective


From October 11 to 25, 2014, the second edition of the Cha'anil Kaaj Festival Maya Independiente ("La fiesta del pueblo"), the which had the purpose of visualizing and claiming cultural expressions and artistic, as well as the thought and language of the Yucatec Mayan people, a culture that remains alive and dynamic. The initiative is part of the broader mosaic of independent national and international movements that seek to reclaim the knowledge and values ??of indigenous peoples as well as promote dialogue and mutual learning among the multiplicity of cultural groups on a global level


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How to Cite

Güémez Graniel, A. V. (2015). El The collective Yóol Kaaj around the Festival Maya Independiente, Cha’anil Kaaj 2014. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 1(1), 173-183. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v1i1.106