Atlas of alternative tourism in the Yucatan Peninsula


  • Gustavo Marín Guardado Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida.



Turism, Atlas, Yucatan Peninsula


Historically, the production of the atlas comes from an ancient tradition forged by notable
observers, cartographers, illustrators and scholars interested in collecting and systematizing
information of different nature (mainly geographical, environmental and social) in order to
offer integrated versions of the world, on the whole earth, countries or regions, not only for
intellectual concerns, but also for practical purposes of knowing, conquering and governing
territories. This tradition, which has been continued within the framework of scientific
production and the specialization of knowledge in the modern world, is precisely what forms
the paradigm in which the effort and the work that now stands out, which allows us to assess
in the present and in all its dimension the type of work that the authors propose us.


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How to Cite

Marín Guardado, G. (2018). Atlas of alternative tourism in the Yucatan Peninsula. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 4(8), 173-176.