Urban resilience profile of Cozumel Island, Mexico


  • Oscar Frausto Martínez Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Javier Tun Chim Centro de Estudios Sociales y Ambientales del Caribe A.C
  • Orlando Colín Olivares Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • Aidé Vázquez Sosa Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • Rosa Dzul Pech Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • Rosalinda Isla Garcia Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • María Luisa Hernández Aguilar Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • Milagros Campos Vargas Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México – Red de riesgo de desastres y resiliencia urbana
  • Lucinda Arroyo Arcos Universidad de Quintana Roo – División de Desarrollo Sustentable
  • Gerardo Palacio Aponte Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Facultad de Geografía




Risk management, adaptive capacity, resilient cities, monitoring, prevention, participatory diagnosis


The determination of urban resilience profiles is a line of work established by the government of Mexico in 2016. Its first version was nationwide with the generation of a report of 17 cities. The main results showed a methodological technical deficiency to face the disaster and the need to elaborate profiles that consider the local & quot; feeling" and the participation of the inhabitants is recognized. Thus, the present study aims to determine the resilience profile of the human settlements on the island of Cozumel, an island with more than 85 thousand inhabitants and with the impact of category 4 hurricanes; for this, it is based on the technique of the 10 essentials, whose sections were enriched with specific questions as indicators. The survey of information was established through a representative sample at the municipal level – block, collecting data from 519 households in the months of June and July 2018. Finally, it is summarized that the degree of resilience of the island of Cozumel is 5.18 , considering as a means, and with significant challenges in the social and institutional capacity to face the integral management of disaster risk.


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How to Cite

Frausto Martínez, O., Tun Chim, J., Colín Olivares, O., Vázquez Sosa, A., Dzul Pech, R., Isla Garcia, R., Hernández Aguilar, M. L., Campos Vargas, M., Arroyo Arcos, L., & Palacio Aponte, G. (2018). Urban resilience profile of Cozumel Island, Mexico. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 4(8), 215-237. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v4i8.113