Marta Ugarte: between two tombs and memories. Reflections on the body and death of the disappeared Chilean detainees.


  • Sergio Estrada Arellano Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación



bodies, memory, disappeared detainees


The body facing death is generally understood as the lifeless shell that remains in the path when the soul abandon it with the purpose of reaching a superior spiritual level. However, despite this naturalized relationship, those who stay in life and are in the same way relatives of the one who dies. The body appears as a fundamental element of which one must take charge, thus manifesting its importance and significance, which in the case would fundamentally constitute a close link of memory that rests on corporality. Because of this, in the task of showing this relationship, we will focus on those bodies that we need the most as they were snatched from the hands of their closest relatives: the disappeared detainees in Chile, and among them, the case of Mars Ugarte, a body that overflows from memory one of the most tragic times of contemporary history.


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How to Cite

Estrada Arellano, S. (2018). Marta Ugarte: between two tombs and memories. Reflections on the body and death of the disappeared Chilean detainees. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 4(7), 57-74.



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