The Atlas of the Alternative Tourism of the Peninsula of Yucatan and the bond with Social Sciences. Interview with Samuel Jouault


  • Alejandro Montañez Giustinianovic



Alternative tourism, Yucatan Peninsula, phenomenon


In the Alternative Tourism Atlas of the Yucatan Peninsula, the reader will know in five chapters a general context of tourism: the historical process of turistification of the territory, concepts of alternative tourism and its link with the social economy and conservation, as well as as its classification from the point of view of the offer and its marketing and promotion channels. Through its reading, you will understand the importance of alternative tourism in the Peninsula, its achievements, problems and perspectives, as well as their form of interrelation with the private sector, the role of public policy and the financing involved in its development.


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How to Cite

Montañez Giustinianovic, A. (2017). The Atlas of the Alternative Tourism of the Peninsula of Yucatan and the bond with Social Sciences. Interview with Samuel Jouault. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 3(5), 261-266.