Liminal articles for Social Sciences and Humanities students


  • Gabriel Angelotti Pasteur Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



social sciences, liminal articles


During the time the journal was receiving articles for the current issues, six undergraduate students sent their papers for the "Academic articles" section. When we were reviewing them, the members of the editorial team confirmed these contributions were well written, addressed relevant topics, had the appropriate format and included all the divisions that are solicited for an academic paper. However, we agreed that, if we send them to a double-blind peer review, they would have a high chance to be rejected. In front of the dilemma of choosing what to do with these papers (sending them back to the authors or putting them through academic scrutiny with the risk we had anticipated), the idea of creating a new section came up, to incorporate these collaborations to the digital journal editorial project. We confirmed this modality was compatible with the budget that made this project start. Which, like we anticipated in previous issues and as it is underlined in our Editorial Norms, desires to motivate debate and exchange of ideas between the members of the academic community, to which students are a part of. This is the reason why we opted to create a new, exclusive, section, for Bachelor's, Master's or Ph.D.'s students, for any of the disciplines that are part of what we called Social Sciences and Humanities. The naming of this new section was not easy. Again, just as it had happened in the past, when we were looking for a name for the journal, we faced the difficult task of going through different names. A few weeks went by until, during a casual conversation, the term that we finally took, surged: "Liminal articles".


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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2017). Liminal articles for Social Sciences and Humanities students. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 3(5), 7-10.

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