Porfiristas rebellions anti-reelectionist in the state of Morelos, 1867-1876


  • Carlos Barreto Zamudio Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos




Regional history, porfirismo, antirreeleccionismo, Morelos


At the triumph of the Republic over the French invasion in 1867, the electoral issue, the paternity of the liberal triumphs and the legitimacy of the authorities were the main conflicting points in the country. Because of this, a series of rebel movements broke out in the regions against the consistency of Juárez in the presidency, and regarding the antireeleccionista main figure of the country: Porfirio Diaz. In the case of the state of Morelos, Diaz’s trawling led him to compete poorly for his governorship, and he influenced a strong participation of the peoples of the region in Porfirian court movements, organized under the proclamation of non-reelection. The following paper examines the disturb verified in Morelos between 1868 and 1872 - between the death of Benito Juárez and the end of the Noria movement - as well as 1876 - the year of the Tuxtepec Revolution against the reelection of Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada -. This was also the precedents for a period of Porfirian governorship that lasted until the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Barreto Zamudio, C. (2017). Porfiristas rebellions anti-reelectionist in the state of Morelos, 1867-1876. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 3(6), 157 - 168. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v3i6.165



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