La The legislation of the second empire. México: Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México


  • Eduardo Torres Alonso Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



book report, revolution, historical study


The construction of the Mexican state turned out to be a complex, convulsive and bloody
process. Since the encounter between the Spaniards commanded by Hernán Cortés and the original
populations, more than five centuries ago, in Mexico there have been debates about the form of
government and the organization of the power that must exist, so many times they have ended in internecine wars.
The invasion of foreign powers. The nineteenth century was defined until now. The struggle of the conservatives against the liberals and
the centralists against the federalists give account of it. Moreover, the failed monarchist attempts: the first,
led by Agustín de Iturbide barely achieved national independence and, later, the ephemeral empire of Maximiliano de Habsburgo.
Both are a clear example of the lack of consensus around the fractured idea of ??the country, to which we must add the
American and French invasions.            


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How to Cite

Torres Alonso, E. (2017). La The legislation of the second empire. México: Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 3(6), 183 - 187.