Harvey, David (2007). Breve historia del neoliberalismo. Madrid: Akal.


  • Rodrigo Llanes Salazar Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana




neoliberalism, sociocultural phenomenom, economic model


"What happened to late capitalism? It became neoliberalism, "wrote Marshall Sahlins with his unique humor (Ortner, 2011). And the term "neoliberalism" has become a key word to describe the current sociohistorical moment and, like every more or less recent word, it is not only polysemic, but it is in a tense ideological dispute. On the one hand, there are those who defend neoliberalism as the world flag of freedom and, on the other, those who attribute to neoliberalism all the current ills of the planet.
In this controversial scenario, David Harvey's book, Brief History of Neoliberalism, is useful as a historical panorama as well as a sociological characterization of the phenomenon. In this last sense, a line of analysis continues that conceptualizes neoliberalism as an economic model of free market and as a whole sociocultural and political phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Llanes Salazar, R. (2015). Harvey, David (2007). Breve historia del neoliberalismo. Madrid: Akal. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 1(2), 95-99. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v1i2.18