A bridge between the divine and the people.

The importance of the Fiscales in the towns of Indians of the 19th century


  • Abel García Gómez Investigador




system of charges, village of Indians, colonialism, novohispano


The office of the public prosecutor, an institution of colonial origin, emerges as an instrument to help the mendicant orders to carry out evangelization. For this, the prosecutor as the highest authority played an important role and those who occupied the position, over the years, helped the prosecution to consolidate as a central pillar in the religious field. Thus, at the end of the period of New Spain, the prosecution appears as responsible for the luster and arrangement of the temple, as responsible for the patronal feast, for the functions dedicated to local devotions and celebrations of the liturgical calendar, as well as guarding communal funds. Therefore, this article analyzes the role of the prosecutor during the nineteenth century, which will place the weight he had in the towns of San Buenaventura Tecaltzingo and San Juan Tuxco.  


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How to Cite

García Gómez, A. (2019). A bridge between the divine and the people.: The importance of the Fiscales in the towns of Indians of the 19th century. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(10), 233-256. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v5i10.204