La Feminicide violence and femicide in Yucatán Peninsula: characteristics and regional contexts


  • Lucía Carmina Jasso López Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales



Femicide violence, femicide, women, public policies, Yucatán Península


The present article studies the asymmetries between men and women in the Yucatán Peninsula, which are culturally and socially manifested and materialize in high percentages of women being victims of femicide violence and numerous femicide victims. This is the product of research that resumes quantitative and qualitative analysis methodology used in other studies. The results allow to identify that this social phenomenon has its own characteristics in the region, which set it apart from the rest of the country, in regards to context, circumstances, modus operandi, etc., it stands out that the percentage of women in the region -compared to the total of men and women- who are homicide victims is superior to the one registered nationally, that is, death by homicide has a bigger impact on women in the Yucatán Peninsula than in the rest of the country; even when when this region has characterized itself  for having the lowest homicide rates at national level. In addition, this article finds that, despite the social action to articulate public politics to prevent and deal with femicide violence in the Yucatán Peninsula, there have been late and have a gap compared to the rest of the country. 


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How to Cite

Jasso López, L. C. (2019). La Feminicide violence and femicide in Yucatán Peninsula: characteristics and regional contexts. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(10), 21-46.



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