Novelo Sánchez, Humberto (2014). Construir el vecindario señorial: la conformación del barrio de Guadalupe en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Campeche: Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de Campeche.


  • Juan Miguel Sarricolea Torres Escuela de Antropología e Historia del Norte de México



traditional neighborhoods, urban space, Guadalupe neighborhoods


What we colloquially call "traditional neighborhoods" are the product of historical processes that account for the origin, development and consolidation of urban spaces, not as simple architectural "hulls", but as constructions elaborated by people "of flesh and blood", as he calls the Campecheno historian Humberto Novelo Sánchez.
In this work, the author studies the conformation of the urban space through the neighborhood of Guadalupe: "the noble neighborhood". As a good historian, he narrates the historical processes that made possible the construction of this neighborhood, from the end of the colony to the Porfiriato, although its time of concentration is the 18th and 19th centuries.


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How to Cite

Sarricolea Torres, J. M. (2015). Novelo Sánchez, Humberto (2014). Construir el vecindario señorial: la conformación del barrio de Guadalupe en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Campeche: Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de Campeche. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 1(2), 104-106.