Identity, heritage and territories: the case of Malinalco according to its inhabitants




identity, heritage, territory, perceptions, Malinalco


This text presents the natural and cultural heritage of Malinalco (State of Mexico), as well as the territorial identity of its inhabitants. It focuses on the perceptions, opinions, ratings and attitudes of the population around their village. Two are the objectives being pursued, the view of its inhabitants on the site: what they like and dislike, people, what has unique or special, their characterization and the feeling of living there. Secondly, an assessment of its heritage: festivities, the chinelos and the concheros, neighborhoods and Center, the ex-convent and the archaeological, the hills and the nature of the environment.

Therefore applied a survey on the issue among the population, in order to obtain, as stated, the perceptions and opinions of the inhabitants of the village. Often question them identity and heritage are defined from political or academic authorities on this occasion this is done through the eyes and voice of the people of the place.

Almost all the issues requested throughout the survey, the population of the place shows very positive and favourable with regard to their place of residence. The identity is considered important and the feelings are positive, as well as the assessment of their heritage is also satisfactory.

It is possible to say that there is a grounded emotional attachment and appreciation of their identity and heritage, and within some diversity of opinion on some issues, emphasizes the taste of living in the place, the appreciation for its people, feel good, happy and calm.  


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How to Cite

Fernandez Poncela, A. M. (2020). Identity, heritage and territories: the case of Malinalco according to its inhabitants. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 6(11), 43-63.



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