El El Cerro y Monte de Tepotzotlán. Villages facing expropriation, 1865-1900


  • José Porfirio Neri Guarneros CICSyH-UAEMex




Tepotzotlán, confiscation, agricultural society, villages, community practices


The objective of this work is to analyze the passive resistance shown by the people of Tepotzotlán before the confiscation of the hill and mount of Tepotzotlán, from 1856 to 1901. It is sought to establish that the neighbors of Tepotzotlán managed to evade the confiscation and conserve the common use of the hill and mount through omission and the formation of an agricultural society. It was these resistance mechanisms, based on community practices and economic interests, that allowed the law of June 25, 1856 to have no impact on the confiscation of the hill and mount of Tepotzotlán, also known as “cerro y monte del ocote“


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How to Cite

Neri Guarneros, J. P. (2019). El El Cerro y Monte de Tepotzotlán. Villages facing expropriation, 1865-1900. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(10), 305-328. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v5i10.217