Dossier no. 3 "Social dynamics in contexts of change. Mexico between the nineteenth and the twentieth century"


  • Ines Isabel Cortes Campos CONACYT - CIESAS Peninsular



nineteenth century, Mexico


The present Dossier, entitled "Social dynamics in contexts of change. Mexico between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ", consists of a set of works whose axis is the historical study of various processes, mainly social order, which took place in different regions of Mexico, during the period after the break generated by the reforms Bourbons, including in particular the nineteenth century and the first years of the twentieth century. These works present illustrative cases of some of the profound processes of social change that took place in the nineteenth century, such as the resistances of the indigenous population to the domination of the nation-state, conflicts over the uses and tenure of land, changes in the administration and control of wealth, as well as the use and construction of spaces in accordance with the emerging processes of urbanization, among other problems.


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How to Cite

Cortes Campos, I. I. (2019). Dossier no. 3 "Social dynamics in contexts of change. Mexico between the nineteenth and the twentieth century". ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(10), 227-229.