Education and ideologies in Post-revolutionary Mexico (1921-1946); citizen training in nation projects




Mexican revolution, Mexican education, educational politics, social control, nation project


The main target of this investigation will be analyzing the relationship of the Mexican country with the educational system on the post-revolutionary period; the paper analyzes the educational guidelines and reflect the way this conect with the main ideologies of that frame of time. Also the paper tries to expose the fundamental role of the educational system with the growth of citizens suitable to the nation orientation proposed by the rulemarkers. The approach we will use considers the historical, hermeneutical and critical perspective. As a result of the analysis, the political ideologies of the existing mainstream on that period (nationalism, indigenism, socialism, democratic liberalism) were identified within educational spechees, where we found the ideal of the Mexican citizen. This research is limited by the absence of hemerographic documentation on the social impact of the educational program back to that time. What is valuable of this project is the perspective in which we analize the educational policies of that specific period, based on the modern hermeneutical method (Ricoeur and Habermas), and in the useful dialogue that is established with current circumstances. The research will allow us to conclude that educational systems played a defining role in the way citizens growed and adapted to the Nation project towards the Postrevolutionary period and tracks its currency to some existing practices. 


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How to Cite

Santos, J. R. C. (2021). Education and ideologies in Post-revolutionary Mexico (1921-1946); citizen training in nation projects. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(13), 189-202.



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