Anthropological reflections on the political aspects of utopian projects




political utopia, ideology, antagonism, political program, political process


Utopias, as a guiding story, contain future projects through which societies imagine the transition to a better life. However, the transition from the imaginative dimension to the political implementation of utopias, transforms them into projects that provoke adherence but also rejection; from ideal to ideological. Political utopias, those that seek to be implemented through the exercise of political power, are characterized in this proposal not by their fantasy character or their future dimension opposed to the present, but by the search for the end of the antagonisms that obstruct their discourse. Consequently, they avoid valuing the political process that always produces partial solutions. In this work, some reflections on the political aspects involved in the process of implementing these narratives, will be presented, in light of the relationship that emerges between the cultural and the political.


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How to Cite

Barquin Cendejas, A. (2020). Anthropological reflections on the political aspects of utopian projects. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 6(12), 77-105.