“If you are not a child, then what are you?" Other relationships to being-making family based on the choice of biological non-reproduction among men in Mexico City





biological non-reproduction among men, non-human offspring, anthropomorphization, interactors families


This research deals with the experiences and narratives of a group of men who chose biological/human non-reproduction (B/HNR). Most of them belong to a motorcycle club and as part of it they have developed other narratives about kinship without blood ties, in addition to metaphors of a type of parenthood and/or offspring of non-human agents (pets, motorcycles, objects). This study is focused on an analysis of the different configurations and discourses on alternative families (interactors) that are created from the anthropomorphization of pets and objects to define them as non-human children.


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How to Cite

García, K. E. (2020). “If you are not a child, then what are you?" Other relationships to being-making family based on the choice of biological non-reproduction among men in Mexico City. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 6(11), 283-306. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v6i11.250