Parrhesia, ethics and self-care. Notes for a philosophical anthropology




parresia, isegoria, self-care, truth, philosophy


The objective of this research is to explore through the thought of Michel Foucault, the meanings and connotations that the concept of parrhesia had in Antiquity, particularly among the Greeks, and the interpretation of the French author, as well as the concepts of isegory (same right to speak for all), and that of épiméleia heautoû (caring for oneself). The approach used in this research consisted in conducting a bibliographic review of some of the most important works and concepts of the French thinker, in particular The Hermeneutics of the Subject, in addition to the tragedy Ion of Euripides, the Platonic dialogues of Laws and Laques, the reading Plutarch and Cynic philosophy (passages from the life of Diogenes), together offering the possibility of living a truer life in anthropological, ethical and political terms. Images characterized by an intersubjective social reality in which its members may truly dialogue with each other, in a political regime based on equality, self-care and parrhesia, the latter understood as an ethic and an aesthetic of existence , aspect in which the value of the work lies, this text being the result of the investigation.


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How to Cite

Navarro Fuentes, C. A. (2021). Parrhesia, ethics and self-care. Notes for a philosophical anthropology. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(13), 95-110.



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