"Let your parents know they are going to ask for your hand on Sunday." Ethnographic study on the symbolism of the wedding ritual in Almoloya del Río





wedding ritual, rite of passage, symbolism, marriage, bride and groom


The wedding ritual is an anthropological construction based on symbologies that impact individual and collective consciousness. This article describes those of this ritual in the case of Almoloya del Río, municipality of the State of Mexico. The ethnographic approach to this ritual identifies the way in which the rites that compose it allow the construction of a complex structure. His main contribution is the documentation of the set of practices and their ritual significance, through the testimony of their participants. This text characterizes the three stages of the wedding ritual that have been practiced in Almoloya del Río since the mid-twentieth century and to date, although with a tendency to change / disappear.


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How to Cite

Castañeda Castañeda, V. (2021). "Let your parents know they are going to ask for your hand on Sunday." Ethnographic study on the symbolism of the wedding ritual in Almoloya del Río. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(13), 203-228. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v7i13.269



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