Gray Stigmas: Tattooed Evangelical Christians and their Religiosity in a Religious Community of Baja California

tattooed evangelical Christians and their religiosity in a religious community in Baja California


  • Roberto Agúndez Márquez Universidad Autónoma de Baja California



tattoos, Christians, evangelicals, religiosity


Currently, very little is known or documented in Mexico about evangelical Christian religiosity and its emerging expressions such as tattoos. In this article I present the perspective of the subjects as a way of approaching the study of contemporary religiosities. For this I documented the experience of three tattooed evangelical Christians, how they perceive themselves and are perceived by the fact of displaying tattoos associated with their lived religious experience. The axes of the analysis that I explored in the life stories and photographs of tattoos were identity and religiosity. The results reflect the beliefs associated with tattooing and how tattooed evangelical Christians are stigmatized by the religious community. A gray religiosity. As well as the use of the body of some evangelical Christians as a way of objectifying individually and intimately their religiosity. As a material support of religiosity.


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How to Cite

Agúndez Márquez, R. (2021). Gray Stigmas: Tattooed Evangelical Christians and their Religiosity in a Religious Community of Baja California: tattooed evangelical Christians and their religiosity in a religious community in Baja California. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 35-63.



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