The Indigenous Art. Some clues for its analysis from the anthropological perspective




indigenous art, anthropology, cosmovision


This work was born as a search to locate possible ways that could guide towards the creative processes of the Mesoamerican indigenous peoples, from their own development guidelines and their particular poetics. The starting point is the contributions that have contributed to shaping the anthropology of art, as a new field of knowledge with its own theoretical and methodological background. A review is made of the main currents of anthropological thought that have fed this type of analysis and have generated theoretical- methodological tools for an approach to art. It ends with a reflection on the ways in which these analytical frameworks have been applied to the reality of the creative processes of the native peoples of Mexico.


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How to Cite

Morales Carbajal, C. (2021). The Indigenous Art. Some clues for its analysis from the anthropological perspective. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(13), 331-352.

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