Well-being, identity, and agency on 3 communities of artisanal fishermen in the north of Manabí, Ecuador, from an Actor-Network perspective.





artisanal fishing, identity, well-being, agency, actant-network, ethnography, Manabi


This study’s objective is to sketch an outlook of artisanal fishing on the communities of La Chorrera, La Playita de Coaque, and Palmar, in the north of Manabí, Ecuador. Within this, it will be possible to identify relationships and elements through which human communities generate identity and well-being. For this, the study starts from the Actor-Network conceptual framework, in order to examine actors and relationships shaping this reality. The information which bases the analysis was obtained within to processes of ethnographical fieldwork: participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Thus, certain relationships and practices emerge. These, it is possible to conclude, lead artisanal fishers and their families to generate their identity and find a space of well-being. These relationships include the participation of preeminent figures as The Sea, God, and Luck. In a changing cultural and natural landscape, human communities search for and generate stability (agency) and senses of a common world, through which they inhabit their reality.


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Author Biography

Carlos Antonio Marín Guerrero, Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Born in Quito, Ecuador. Bachelor degree in Anthropology, and looking forward to enlarge knowledge and studies. Founder of the university's mountaneering club. Passionate about music, literature, mountaneering... broadly, for life and the worlds we inhabit.


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How to Cite

Marín Guerrero, C. A. . (2021). Well-being, identity, and agency on 3 communities of artisanal fishermen in the north of Manabí, Ecuador, from an Actor-Network perspective . ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 193-215. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v7i14.309