Interpreting the society knowledge from a historical perspective of human societies




evolution, knowledge, human, societies, development


Today there is much talk of knowledge societies as an opportunity to advance to a new societal stage, but has it been or is it possible a society knowledge? Through a historical analysis of passages of social evolution, we respond that the accumulation of knowledge in the human process has been a predominant factor to forge an inequality needed to support privileges since the days of antiquity. This has produced kleptocrats companies have designed complex organizational models, centralized in living with privileges a few at the expense of several many; violently subjecting them of its kind in permanent hostages to full service. It is conclusive today that the control of knowledge is and has been the master key to maintaining and expanding
the power to handle wills, supposedly, in perpetuity. In that sense, when speaking of a society knowledge, it concludes in a broad meaning in the access of people to knowledge of the social universe. This is comparable to abolish inequality, which would correspond to think about a possible partnership not yet invented.


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How to Cite

Hueso Palacios, M. Ángel. (2019). Interpreting the society knowledge from a historical perspective of human societies. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(9), 77-92.



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