Ecatepec - Sierra de Guadalupe: transit road and historical pilgrimage


  • Ismael Mejía Hernández



Ecatepec, Historial road , Albarradón , Guadalupe


The objective of this work is to show the continuity in the use of the historic road of Ecatepec de Morelos, state of México, to enter or leave the territory that today occupies Mexico City in its northeastern strip, despite the different transformations that have occurred around it in recent centuries, derived mainly from the drying up of Lake Texcoco and massive urbanization of the territory. Taking advantage of the realization of a systematic photographic record over eleven years of the pilgrimages that come to the Basilica of Guadalupe on the eve of December 12 through this path, he not only realizes its permanent use, but also a series of architectural elements and of urban infrastructure built in different historical periods, which have survived the urban maelstrom at witnesses to the transformation of said territory


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How to Cite

Mejía Hernández, I. (2021). Ecatepec - Sierra de Guadalupe: transit road and historical pilgrimage. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 249-270.



Fotografía etnográfica