The State of Yucatán in the face of the COVID-19 syndemic disaster between the vulnerable groups of Mérida and the other Yucatecan municipalities


  • Antonio Benavides Dirección General de Análisis de Riesgos
  • Jorge Franco Cáceres



Syndemic, Covid-19, Yucatan, Vulnerability, Disaster



The State of Yucatán does not assume until today that the new coronavirus has a more negative effect on individuals who suffer from certain diseases that can be preventable: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking, -among others-, closely related to economic and social factors that can shape the health status of an individual or a community: marginalization, poverty, education, migration, etc.

This means that, although the common enemy is Covid-19, we also face pre-existing and underlying risk conditions in affected societies, related not only to the biological threat of the virus, and to the level of exposure that people and social groups have to the virus, -depending on the economic activities they perform- but also to different levels of vulnerability, expressed both in physical terms and in different social and economic dimensions.

Analyzing the pandemic situation of Mérida and the interior municipalities, through the professional lens of the chronic syndemic, will allow the State of Yucatán to move from the classical epidemiology approach based on the risk of transmission, to a more certain vision of the person in their family and social context.



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How to Cite

Benavides, A., & Franco Cáceres, J. (2021). The State of Yucatán in the face of the COVID-19 syndemic disaster between the vulnerable groups of Mérida and the other Yucatecan municipalities. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 291-316.