Attention-inattention process during COVID-19 and obesity in a municipality of Yucatan. A syndemic approach


  • Juan Manuel Ancona Manzanilla



COVID-19, Obesity, Syndemic, Systems Approach, Illness, Medical Anthropology


At the end of 2020, CoVid-19 has already claimed more than 1.8 million lives in the world. The spread and lethality of the virus have been different worldwide due to factors, including how national and local authorities dealt with the problem; the previous state of the health systems and the epidemiological reality with high prevalences of obesity; the socioeconomic and demographic panorama of each region; and how social groups (especially micro groups) organize to prevent or cure illness. This research aims to account for how micro-groups organize themselves in the face of the syndemic between CoVid-19 and obesity. This research uses the syndemic approach from medical anthropology. The research tools were: documentary research; semi-structured interviews with health personnel, CoVid-19 convalescents and local population; and participant observation. In conclusion, the obesity dyad and Covid-19 are synergistic in terms of morbidity and mortality and also in the social conditions that circumscribe them; and this is expressed in experiences lived at the collective and micro group level.


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How to Cite

Ancona Manzanilla , J. M. (2021). Attention-inattention process during COVID-19 and obesity in a municipality of Yucatan. A syndemic approach. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 317-346.