From ethno-education to agrotechnical school. Recognition of the context as a learning scenario


  • Silvia Valiente Bertello CITCA



ethnoeducacion, agrotechnical school, make visible knowledge, other knowledge


The objective of this article of reflection is to show the recognition of the context as a learning scenario based on educational experiences carried out in different contexts and with dissimilar audiences. Specifically, I will present the Colombian experience of ethnoeducation and then examine analogies and differences so that they can find another educational experience: the El Huaco agrotechnical school (Andalgalá, Catamarca), also dependent on the Ministry of Education. Recognizing that ethnoeducation projects seek to make visible knowledge that has been denied and disarticulate a certain hierarchy of knowledge, and beyond the specificity of each proposal and recognizing that they are not free of tensions, both are configured as meeting spaces and learning scenarios who seek to relearn the meaning of knowing and valuing the work of and with the land; in the case of the agrotechnical school, in an increasingly urbanized context. In short, this need for knowledge cuts across the persistence of coloniality and the rhetoric of modernity today.


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Referencias bibliográficas

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How to Cite

Valiente Bertello, S. . (2022). From ethno-education to agrotechnical school. Recognition of the context as a learning scenario. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(15), 93-110.



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