Imagine the ethical congruence in the federal public service of Mexico




Identity, corruption, federal public administration, imaginary, narrative


At the end of the twentieth Century, Mexico has promoted legal reforms as well as federal administrative programs to drive the improvement of ethical-professional workers in the service of the State, however, the practices of corruption related to the integration of professional teams have continued in the APF. In this context, we reflect on the manner in which the narrative identity of the public servants, the subjective element of the organizational culture, can provide keys for understanding the continuity of practices of corruption associated with professional incompetence. Based on an hermeneutics analysis according to Ricoeur, “ a set of social imaginary articulated is presented in a narrative biographical so-called productive duel, by means of which the public servant who does not exercise formal authority explains the conflict of the ordinary survival, it aspires to the restitution of their identity as a subject of creation and ethics, as well as constitutes a potential element of meaning which justifies the normalization of the deviant practices.


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How to Cite

Quezada-Viay, L. E., & García-Macías, A. (2019). Imagine the ethical congruence in the federal public service of Mexico. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(9), 115-135.



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