


Sociourbano Landscape, Signage, COVID-19, Pandemic, Mexico City


The objective of this work is to present arguments and data, as well as photographs of signage in Mexico City, about the transformation of the Sociourbano Landscape due to COVID-19 through hermeneutical method. Since April 2020, signage about the pandemic has proliferated through posters and banners, located throughout the city, with respect to the Alert situation around the Alcadias or major´s office. The messages that have been disseminated, have been all kinds of warnings such as, prevention messages not to leave the house; do not hold meetings; quarantine with designated buyer, use of a face mask and the healthy distance recommendations, in all types of human coexistence while returning to the new normal life. These combinations of images and words have violated the citizen space, the social, scholar activities, labor, and political relationships, generating a transformed Sociourbano Landscape, of risk. Without physically and symbolically integrating public space, the city loses its democratic process, being at the mercy of manipulation, or socially backsliding due to the increase in inequalities, overcome by public policies that increase fragmentation, segregation, people's fear, desertification of the city and exclusion for the sake of health security.


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How to Cite

Mungaray Lagarda, A. S. . (2021). TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SOCIOURBANO LANDSCAPE AND SIGNAGE BY COVID-19 IN MEXICO CITY. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 7(14), 347-372.