The aestheticized Being: mythos, art and spheres in Peter Sloterdijk




Art, spheres, world, aesthetic ontology, Sloterdijk.


The article suggests that Sloterdijk’s thought, especially in his portentous Spheres trilogy, is, rather than a mere philosophy of history (indebted to an anthropology centered on technical convertibility), a virtual aesthetic ontology. In this, the concepts of beauty, art and eroticism, among others, would define the spherical conformation of a natural and symbolic orb as a super-greenhouse of luxury. Through the exercise of a philosophical hermeneutics, we arrive at the interpretation that the collection of historical-artistic, mythical-epistemic or erotic-theological anecdotes presented in Spheres, would show nothing but a surreptitious connection between aesthetics and being. Thus, the theogonic and erotic concomitance between bubbles, globes and foams would define a possible logophalocentric theory of the world and, at the same time, corroborate the idea that Being-in-spheres hangs, morphologically, from the aesthetic mutability of Homo sapiens.


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How to Cite

Tillería Aqueveque, L. (2022). The aestheticized Being: mythos, art and spheres in Peter Sloterdijk. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(16), 15-33.



Artículos Académicos