Jesuit missions of the border: the case of Maynas




mission, jesuits, Amazon, frontier, colonization, evangelization


The present paper aims to review some of the strategies that Jesus’ parents Company had to be developed in the process of evangelizing inside de missionary set of Maynas, which was located in the current territories of the peruvian Amazon, as well as some of the difficulties which they had to pass, in their quest for maintaining the stability of the villages. To achieve the purpose of the research, we use part of the historiographical studies that have been devoted to the analysis of the theme of the jesuit missions in the amazon region. The paper is divided into four sections: the background to the establishment of the missionary, the stages of development of the Jesuit villges, the strategies and difficulties for the maintenance of the peoples and the impact that the Jesuit expulsion had in 1767 in the evangelized villages. As a result of this research, gives he realilzed the strategy that the religious of the company carried out in order to bring to a good port the stability and duration of the Amazonian missions, as well as also made a contribution to the study of the
system of the missionary jesuit in Colonial America.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Gómez, I. (2019). Jesuit missions of the border: the case of Maynas. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 5(9), 157-166.



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