The Chagas problem in Mexico: a review on the socioeconomic and cultural aspects in the literature

Review: socioeconomic and cultural aspects of Chagas disease




Chagas disease, Mexico, social Sciences, review, anthropology


The objective of the work is to review the published studies that deal directly or indirectly with the social, cultural and economic aspects of the Chagas problem in Mexico for discussion and as a starting point to propose new lines of work towards the multidimensional opening of the subject. A systematic review approach was used. Among the most relevant findings was that the literature found was scarce and came mainly on the subject of socioeconomic risk factors that make up two thirds of the articles reviewed. Most of the studies were located in rural contexts, they were unevenly distributed in the country and their location was associated with the presence of state or regional biomedical research centers. The review allows to conclude that it is necessary to advance in sociocultural, economic and political research from the social sciences that reflects the complexity of Chagas as a socio-environmental problem in both rural and urban contexts, of multiple dimensions, as ubiquitous in the Mexican territory and that affects the Mexican population even beyond our borders. In this sense, a list of priorities of lines of work is proposed.


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How to Cite

Valdez Tah, . A. (2022). The Chagas problem in Mexico: a review on the socioeconomic and cultural aspects in the literature: Review: socioeconomic and cultural aspects of Chagas disease. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(16), 35-63.



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