The importance of historical context for female bildungsroman, an approach to the novel La Plaza del Diamante by Mercè Rodoreda




Bildungsroman, femenine, women, protagonists, growth novel, context, Catalonia, historical moment, war, precariousness, violence, authors, psychic flow


This article aims to provide an innovative study proposal to what was previously analyzed about the Spanish postwar novel La plaza del Diamante, by the Catalan author Mercè Rodoreda, adapting the concept of female bildungsroman novel. Since the protagonist of the story faces a series of scenarios that transforms her life, until she manages to decide on her existence and she adapted to the complex environment that was lived at that time, which was chaotic for Spain. Making it clear that the historical moment is one of the most importance items for the development of the characters inscribed in this class of novels. Because the variety of events suffered in the instability caused by the war, as reflected in the present case, the heroines and heroes of the stories described would not be able to have such a significant evolution, because the immediate context influences all of them, those who interact as social entities. Besides, female growth novels differ greatly from male ones, since the protagonists of the novels created from this historical event, unable to leave their territorial borders given their status as women, resort to a peculiar brand which is the psychic flow, through their evening walks, and only in this way they get to know themselves, and then, they gather enough strength to get out of the sinuous moments in which the path of life placed them.

Key words: Bildungsroman, femenine, women, protagonists, growth novel, context, Catalonia, historical moment, war, precariousness, violence, authors, psychic flow.


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How to Cite

Rico Lara, V. E. . (2022). The importance of historical context for female bildungsroman, an approach to the novel La Plaza del Diamante by Mercè Rodoreda. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(16), 93-111.



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