El viejo Marx y las notas etnológicas en la historia de la antropología y las teorías de la historia





idealismo, materialismo, historicismo, capital, humanidad


Secular theories on the origin of man and culture are recent product, and one that accompanies economical, political and ideological revolutions. The origin of the capitalist economy and Enlightenment imply an insistent reflection on the role of human activity in the configuration of time and space, and of the possibilites of human activity for the transformation of the real. The author exposes the idealist conception of history of Hegel and the materialist conception of Marx, as part of the modern narratives around the genesis of human culture and the capitalist economy with its intrinsic crises. The author also exposes Hegel’s idealism and Marx’s materialism as scientific paradigms for political and ecomonical theory.


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How to Cite

Huesca Ramón, F. . (2022). El viejo Marx y las notas etnológicas en la historia de la antropología y las teorías de la historia. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(16), 253-280. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v8i16.371