Challenges and opportunities for the permanence of women in engineering in technological institutions in Yucatán: A glance from a gender perspective.




STEM, Women in engineering, Gender perspective, Transferences, Empowerment, Resilience


This research analyzes, from a gender perspective, the challenges and opportunities in the school permanence of female engineering students in technological education institutions in Yucatan, Mexico. The study was conducted with a qualitative and phenomenological approach, which rescues, through semi-structured interviews, the testimonies of nine female students, enrolled in the ninth and tenth semester of one of the engineering programs belonging to the academic offer of the Tecnológico Nacional de México, taught at its campuses in the state of Yucatán. The results show the factors that conditioned the permanence of the students, represented on the one hand by economic, family, insecurity and gender violence challenges, as well as opportunities linked to governmental support, institutional support, family support, and highlighting the personal skills and attitudes of the participants. The research allows concluding that the permanence of women in engineering careers shows gender-based challenges such as: prejudices, roles and stereotypes, sexism and discrimination, which represent glass ceilings for their professional training. However, the presence of transfers and a sense of resilience, strengthened by their personal skills and attitudes, favor their empowerment.


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Author Biographies

Susan Ofelia Loría Lizama, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, México

Maestra en Investigación Educativa/ Doctorante en el Doctorado Institucional en Ciencias Sociales

Gina Irene Villagómez Valdés, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Doctora en Antropología Social


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How to Cite

Loría Lizama, S. O. ., & Villagómez Valdés, G. I. . (2023). Challenges and opportunities for the permanence of women in engineering in technological institutions in Yucatán: A glance from a gender perspective. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 9(17), 171-194.