Marx's ethnological corpus: perspectives, debates and validity.




Marx, Marxist Anthropology, Marx's Ethnology


The relationship between Marx's work and anthropology is far from constituting a finished field. During the last decade, new research and translations of unknown manuscripts of the German thinker have renewed the debate about the centrality that ethnological analysis could have in Marx's thinking. Thereby, in this dossier, we invite to ponder these open debates that, in our context, were detonated by the brilliant contribution of anthropologists such as Lawrence Krader, a central figure in the knowledge we today have about the ethnological analysis of the German intellectual.


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How to Cite

Martinez Navarrete, E., & Fábregas Puig, A. (2022). Marx’s ethnological corpus: perspectives, debates and validity. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 8(16), 171-177.