Epidemics and medicalization in a colonial society: the Boards of Health in British Honduras, 1882-1920.


  • Daniel Mendez-Encarnacion CIESAS-Unidad Peninsular




Hegemony, Medicalization, Medical bureaucracy, Tropical diseases, Board of Health


This article explores the changes produced in the context of the imperial-colonial relation during the creation of the Board of Health in British Honduras. It analyzes the processes of political and sanitary crisis generated by tropical diseases and the emergence of medical bureaucracy. Through the critic revision of primary and secondary sources it sets that, both the origin of the board of health and the arrangement of strategies of sanitary control, were produced mainly by the need to protect the colonial economic circuits, first under United Kingdom’s hegemony, and later by the United States.


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Author Biography

Daniel Mendez-Encarnacion, CIESAS-Unidad Peninsular

M.A. Sociocultural Anthropology




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How to Cite

Méndez Encarnación, D. (2024). Epidemics and medicalization in a colonial society: the Boards of Health in British Honduras, 1882-1920. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 10(19), 259-296. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v10i19.441