In Memoriam Guillermo Alonso Meneses, “El Canario” (1964-2023): Anthropologist, colleague, friend, family man




Cultural anthropology, Deserts, Mexico-U.S. border, Border-Wall, Sports anthropology


     This text presents the contributions of various colleagues and friends of Guillermo Alonso Meneses, who died last April 2023 at the age of 59, and who was a member of the Editorial Committee of Antrópica journal. These contributions seek to illustrate his outstanding career as an anthropologist and social analyst, both in Europe and in Mexico, as well as his enormous human quality. His intellectual curiosity led him to examine a vast array of topics through an anthropological perspective, from borders and migrants to sports practice, music, literary creation, immigration policies, and information and communication technologies. Likewise, this interest was reflected in an extensive set of books, articles and chapters, plus a considerable amount of opinion columns in newspapers and bulletins.


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Escala, L., Norandi, E. ., Olmos Aguilera, M., Rivera Valencia, B., Iriarte Rodrigo, M. J., Utley García, N. G., Alarcón Acosta, R., & Palacios Pérez, E. (2024). In Memoriam Guillermo Alonso Meneses, “El Canario” (1964-2023): Anthropologist, colleague, friend, family man. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 10(19), 149-178.