Interview around the Human Movements in Extinction Hazard of Mexico and Wíinkilil Arte de Defensa projects, with the members of the National Institute of Movement of Mexico (INAMM)


  • Valeria Güémez Graniel Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



movements, bodies, base of life


In 2013, the National Institute of Movement Affairs of Mexico (INAMM) emerged. A civil initiative, led by a group of independent artists specialized in contemporary dance and body arts. Among its members include Paula González, Diana Bayardo and Gervasio Cetto, who, in addition to having a rich training in the field of dance, studied careers in cultural management and anthropology. Hence, one of the main tasks of INAMM is to create links between different social groups, the artistic community and public and private institutions, in order to address the following objectives: to reflect on the relevance of the human body as an existential basis of the life; raise awareness around
the relevance of the corporal movements, since these integrate part of the identity; as well as encouraging new ways of approaching and knowing your own body, through the arts of the body.


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How to Cite

Güémez Graniel, V. (2015). Interview around the Human Movements in Extinction Hazard of Mexico and Wíinkilil Arte de Defensa projects, with the members of the National Institute of Movement of Mexico (INAMM). ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 1(2), 147-157.