La crisis en el sistema de dominación en América Latina: el agotamiento del vigente patrón de reproducción del capital y la derrota del régimen de la transición a la democracia


  • Héctor Ignacio Martínez Álvarez



América Latina, crisis del sistema de dominación, patrón exportador de especialización productiva y democracia.


This work aims to develop an analysis framework that allows us to characterize the current state of Latin American political reality by establishing the intersection between the exhaustion of the export pattern of productive specialization and the crisis in the system of domination. To achieve this, a theoretical-conceptual study accompanied by documentary research is presented, which has the following purposes: to understand the most recent global economic crisis and its impact on the region; define the meaning of the contemporary crisis in the system of domination in Latin America based on a theoretical discussion between different perspectives and approaches; determine the defeat and displacement of the political regime of the transition to democracy, and locate the emergence of new political and social forces that seek to reestablish and reconstruct the capitalist state form in Latin America. In conclusion, it is argued that since the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, a crisis arose in the system of domination in the political regimes of the transition to democracy in Latin America from the breakdown of command-obedience relations, the lack of recognition of the political command and the instability of the social order, the root of which is located in the exhaustion of the current pattern of reproduction of capital as a result of the adjustments of the world economy after the 2007-2008 crisis.


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How to Cite

Martínez Álvarez, H. I. (2024). La crisis en el sistema de dominación en América Latina: el agotamiento del vigente patrón de reproducción del capital y la derrota del régimen de la transición a la democracia. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 10(20), 311-336.