A look about the museums and the centers of patrimonial interpretation: basic distinctions and scopes to future


  • Orlando Josué Casares Contreras Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia




Museums, interpretation centers, museology, museography


The necessary and constant evolution of museums has led them to reinvent itself over the years. This process has created some trade-offs, especially in developing country where budgets towards the museum spaces are small and tend to be concentrated in the capitals of each country, creating hierarchies and further reducing the possibilities in smaller populations and political importance. This scenario creates the need to build alternative and suitable spaces such as interpretation centers, which are often confused as the next stage of peripheral museums. With this document we propouse to open a space for analysis between a heritage interpretation center and a museum, as well as social impacts its scope in the area to which they belong.


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How to Cite

Casares Contreras, O. J. (2016). A look about the museums and the centers of patrimonial interpretation: basic distinctions and scopes to future. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(4), 73- 84. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v2i4.67



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