Rubén Ramírez Arellano y Ricardo Domínguez Guadarrama (coord.) Migration to debate. Furrowing the North


  • Héctor Joaquín Bolio Ortiz Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Migration, Social space, transnationalism, binational families


Migration has become one of the great themes of the 21st century. The need to study it in a circular way (instead of linear) is one of the clear proposals of the book in question. The text states that migration arises in a conjuncture of different nuances highly linked to the economic, political, social and legal issues. Among the contributing factors are the crisis of development, poverty, the idea of ??the American dream, violence, organized crime and a population violated in their human rights, which with the aim of seeking new horizons must put their guarantees at risk more fundamental. One of the most noteworthy aspects (and that can be seen in this text) is how migration represents a business for different population groups, that is, it is profitable for the sending country because of the issue of remittances; for the receiver, for the acquisition of cheap labor; and for the transit, due to the business in which authorities, organized crime and service providers are involved. Furthermore, migration is no longer analyzed only from the south to the north, but from the north to the south, that is, from those who return to their place of origin. The focus of migratory studies requires multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.


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How to Cite

Bolio Ortiz, H. J. (2016). Rubén Ramírez Arellano y Ricardo Domínguez Guadarrama (coord.) Migration to debate. Furrowing the North. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(4), 119- 121.

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