Lacan, with and across the phiolosophy


  • Amorhak Ornelas Vázquez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



anti-philosophy, meditation, dialectics, capital gains, love


In the following article some of the operations realized by the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan in the philosophy are analyzed. These operations have been called by some authors as  antiphilosophical, while they indicate a work with the philosophy, but also a strategy to cross it. We indicate the way by which Lacan used the philosophy to think about the psychoanalytic experience and reinventing the psychoanalytic concepts, but also of how he subverts it. In that regard, we explain some of the conceptual exercises realized by Lacan to philosophers like Descartes, Hegel, Marx and Plato. In case of Descartes, Lacan realizes a crack in the reflecions. Whereas with Hegel, it locates the hysterics in his system. With Marx,  capital gains,  is the term used to think  about the enjoyment. And finally, in his comment about the Banquet of Plato, Lacan uses it to indicate the place of the analyst.


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How to Cite

Ornelas Vázquez, A. (2016). Lacan, with and across the phiolosophy. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(4), 165- 173.