Tourism and armchair tourism. A reflection on the nature of tourism




spatial travel, armchair tourism, armchair pilgrimage, inner journey, personal growth, Camino de Santiago, Finisterra, music, ontology


Pilgrimage is probably the most obvious example of the dual nature of a journey: a movement that happens outside and inside the person at the same time. From this notion, the objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical study that explores the similarities between the experience of a tourist (here, a pilgrim) who travels through space and someone who follows the path from home (armchair pilgrim). Having made this consideration, it is questioned whether it is possible to state what is central to the notion of travel and to challenge the idea that it is basically a movement through space. For this, the album Finisterra de Mägo by Oz (2000) is used as a case study, in which a pilgrimage is narrated following the Camino de Santiago (Spain). Methodologically, we will follow the the analysis format proposed by Cuesta and Gómez (2013), which relates the lyrics of the songs to the narrative thinking of Bruner (1988). Comparing the result of this analysis with the results of studies of experience of real walkers, we will see that it is indeed possible to obtain a comparable interior experience without leaving home.


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Author Biography

Neus Crous Costa, Laboratorio Mutidisciplinar de Investigación en Turismo. Universidad de Girona

Neus Crous-Costa. Cursó el Máster Interuniversitario en Planificación y Dirección del Turismo (especialidad en turismo cultural), Universidad de Girona - Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Es profesora en la facultad de Turismo de la Universidad de Girona, y actualmente está escribiendo su tesis de doctorado sobre el turismo y las humanidades como fuente de innovación para la industria. Profesionalmente, ha formado parte del equipo de varios museos (España e Irlanda), sobre todo responsabilizándose de las relaciones con los visitantes y actividades de márqueting. Recientemente ha coordinado e impartido varios cursos de formación para profesionales del turismo, y participa en cursos en línea como organizadora, profesora y mentora. Los más recientes son  “Puentes gastronómicos: la cultura del vino en el Mediterráneo y la cultura del té en China” (MiriadaX) and “Aboriginal worldviews and education” (Coursera, ex mentora). Sus intereses de investigación incluyen interpretación y narrativas en el turismo, turismo como fuerza para el diálogo y la paz, experiencia del viajero y armchair tourism. Por último, participa en diversas actividades fuera del entorno académico, como Kindlab (un proyecto de investigación colaborativo) y realiza voluntariados en los campos de la cultura y la educación.

Neus Crous-Costa. M.S. in Tourism Planning and Management (specializing in cultural tourism). Lecturer in the Faculty of Tourism in the University of Girona, and PhD candidate in tourism and humanities as a source of innovation for the industry. She has been part of the team in different museums (Spain and Ireland), mainly dealing with customer relations and marketing. Recently she has worked as a freelance coordinating and delivering training courses for tourist professionals, and participates in on-line courses as organiser, lecturer and mentor: The most recent ones being “Food bridges: the culture of wine in the Mediterranean and the culture of tea in China” (MiriadaX) and “Aboriginal worldviews and education” (Coursera, former mentor). Her research interests include interpretation and narratives in tourism, tourism as a force for dialogue and peace, traveller's experience and armchair tourism. She participates in a number of extra academic activities, such as Kindlab collaborative research project and volunteers regularly in a number of cultural and educational organisations.



How to Cite

Crous Costa, N. (2020). Tourism and armchair tourism. A reflection on the nature of tourism. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 6(11), 17-42.



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