Letter on the primitive history of the yellow fever


  • Gabriel Angelotti Pasteur




Yucatan, Yellow fever, Cresencio Carrilo y Ancona, Carlos Finlay, Letter


In this paper we reproduce some of the letters exchanged by Carlos Finlay and Crescencio Carrillo and Ancona in the year 1892 and where the latter provides historical and documentary data regarding the origin of yellow fever in pre-Hispanic America. Through voice recognition software, the letters were transcribed, converting them to a new digital format. The content of the original document allows us to verify that the information provided by Carrillo and Ancona reinforces Finlay’s hypothesis regarding the endemic nature of this disease and its persistence in the American continent since ancient times. An idea that contradicts that other that maintains that this pestilence had been brought by the Spaniards after their arrival in this continent.


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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2020). Letter on the primitive history of the yellow fever. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 6(11), 191-213. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v6i11.256



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