Editorial Letter

Adjustments against plagiarism: an inadmissible ethical problem


  • Gabriel Angelotti Pasteur Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán




Letter, Editorial, Plagiarism, LATINDEX, Settings, Ethics


In the previous issue we anticipate some of the steps we will follow to convert Antrópica. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades in a real - and authentic - digital magazine. We point out that to achieve this goal it is not enough to publish articles in PDF format or similar ones. We said that, for this, it is essential to take advantage of all the potential and resources offered by new digital technologies and go "beyond", and thus offer the reader multiple options for viewing published articles. In specifics, we point out that in the future the articles should not only provide the possibility of "reading", they can also be "seen" and "heard", through visual and sound communication tools. If this happens, the traditional format academic journals will give way to the new digital multimedia formats and, in this way, a paradigmatic change will be generated in the field of the diffusion of science. When we assume this future -which we call it unfathomable- in Antrópica we begin to work in that direction. So, for example, for next year, we hope to release our own domain and, in the end, begin to "experiment" with new languages ??and novel ways of communicating. In this process of transformation is to get rid of those atavistic customs that made us think (and act) as if we were a "paper magazine" and, instead, achieve behave according to the modalities of the digital world.


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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2016). Editorial Letter: Adjustments against plagiarism: an inadmissible ethical problem. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(4), V-IX. https://doi.org/10.32776/arcsh.v2i4.41

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