An unfathomable future steps towards the production of a digital (multimedia) university magazine




Cover, Index, Editorial letter, Advisory board


In February of 2015, and after a long administrative process, Antrópica. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities obtained its ISSN register before the Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor de México [Mexico National Institute of Copyright] (Mexico Nacional ISSN Centre). Obtaining this recognition was the corollary of the months-long effort of the whole team, integrated by students and professors of the Anthropological Sciences Faculty, and also thanks to the juridic and administrative support of the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Getting our ISSN is important because it encourages us to keep growing and improving this editorial proposal. But this recognition gains a special meaning, from the perspective of our collaborators, mostly doctorate, master and undergraduate students in social sciences. In a balance of what we have published so far, we found that out of the 12 research papers that integrate our issues (including the present one), 11 were elaborated by students from those levels of education. In other words, by young people who are in the process of professional formation. 


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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2016). An unfathomable future steps towards the production of a digital (multimedia) university magazine. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(3), V-IV.

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