The Ministry of Culture: state model to promote and trade culture and cultural heritage


  • Ivan Franco Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Delegación Yucatán



Salinismo, CNCA, Secretariat of Culture, Promotion, Trade, Culture and Cultural Heritage(Holdings)


On the arrival of power of Carlos Salinas de Gortari (CSG) in 1988, he put the bases of the current configuration of economic and political actors: political class and parties to the service of transnationals locals and internationals. His government was the second one of the last six blocks of periods of six years driving the economic and deregulation labor, privatizations and denationalization of laws that were giving sense to the State that was assuming his educational responsibility. With the creation of the National Council for the Culture and Arts (CNCA), far from strengthening historical institutions (SEP, INAH, INBAL), these have declined for the inattention of his laws as for the policy of separation of the link education / culture. This work analyzes the impact of the creation of the Secretariat of Culture that outlines a new public model for culture and the cultural heritage with base to commercialization.


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How to Cite

Franco, I. (2016). The Ministry of Culture: state model to promote and trade culture and cultural heritage. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 2(3), 182-187.



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