New digital paths for our publication: the OJS


  • Gabriel Angelotti Pasteur Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán



Editorial letter, OJS


In July we participated in a course on the Open Journal System (OJS) program that was organized by the UADY Education and Science magazine.
This activity was carried out in the computer room of the Faculty of Education itself and, during the days of the event, we learned various technical aspects of
this platform. One of the details that prevented us from adopting the OJS, was to assume that we should modify the design of our page, but we certify that it is not so.
The most important thing was that we managed to solve many doubts we had about its use and application. As a practical exercise of the course, we designed a
magazine prototype. In this way we perceive that the program is very intuitive and friendly. Hence, then, the decision to implement it in our publication.  



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How to Cite

Angelotti Pasteur, G. (2018). New digital paths for our publication: the OJS. ntropica. ournal of ocial ciences and umanities, 4(8), 1-11.

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